<aside> 📢 This toolkit is meant to be used with a deck of cards, a ten-sided die, and a set of narrative dice from Genesys in order to play the Genesys RPG without a GM. Handle what you can with Genesys rules, and only consult this Oracle if you require new information, or decisions on how NPCs may act; you may find Genesys' Motivations helpful to these ends, as well.

This tool is adapted from the Apocalypse Solo Engine and the One Page Solo Engine (https://inflatablestudios.itch.io/one-page-solo-engine).

See also

Exploration Solo Play


How to Play

  1. Create your character.
  2. Generate a Plot Hook or Random Event, then Set the Scene.
  3. Ask the Oracle questions. Interpret answers in the context of the scene and the results of the roll.
  4. Continue playing the game to overcome the challenges of the scene.
  5. Use Pacing Rolls to move the action along.
  6. Set the Scene for the next thing you want your character to do, or pull a Random Event.


The game uses a normal deck of playing cards, including the Jokers. Generally, whenever you pull a card you’ll refer to a table telling you what result matches the number or rank you’ve drawn. Each suit has been given a specific theme, and shares this theme across all card-based Oracles. Each oracle will provide additional inspiration.

♣ Physical—this suit generally indicates a result pertaining to the tangible and real.
♦ Technical—this suit often pertains to comprehension and analysis.
♥ Social—this suit usually provides intimate and personal context.
♠ Mystical—this suit typically offers unusual or mysterious context.

When you draw cards, leave them aside in a discard pile rather than shuffling them back into your deck after each draw. If you draw a Joker, resolve the effect and then shuffle your discard pile back into your deck. Choose or roll 1d4 for a Joker’s suit if necessary.

Plot Hooks

Use this to generate plot hooks, quests, or missions for the PCs to follow. Roll once for each table below, then pull a Theme Focus card and combine the results into a hook that makes sense.

Objective (d10):

  1. Eliminate a threat
  2. Learn the truth
  3. Recover something valuable
  4. Escort or deliver to safety
  5. Restore something broken
  6. Save an ally in peril
  7. Hunt someone down
  8. Help a community
  9. Prepare for what comes
  10. Steal something dangerous

Adversaries (d10):

  1. A powerful organization
  2. Outlaws
  3. Guardians
  4. Local inhabitants
  5. Enemy horde or army
  6. A new or recurring villain
  7. A force of nature
  8. A malevolent schemer
  9. The government
  10. Hero’s own insecurities

Rewards (draw):

Use this whenever you need a significant reward.

2 Treasure 9 Recognition
3 Knowledge 10 Promotion
4 Relic J Celebration
5 Assistance Q Alliance
6 Blessing K Empower
7 Inspiration A Gratitude
8 Revelation Jo Draw 2x
♣ Physical, valuable, material ♦ Technical, strategic, insightful
♥ Personal, heartfelt, intimate ♠ Mystical, otherworldly, magical

Theme Focus (draw):

Use this if you need to know why or where something is.

2 Ancient 9 Mysterious
3 Advanced 10 Natural
4 Creepy J Powerful
5 Dirty Q Extravagant
6 Exotic K Epic
7 Military A Weird
8 Simple Jo Draw 2x
♣ enemies, complications, rivalries ♦ Functionality, nature, growth
♥ People, meaning, remorse ♠ History, origin, revolution

<aside> 🔎 Example So let's say you roll the following:

Based on the generated hook, your party needs to escort some people to safety. Looks like they're fleeing a 'guardian' of some sort (maybe they've been under lock and key and just want to get out, y'know?) and they're offering the party money or valuables.

"Military Enemies/Complications/Rivalries" might mean whatever makes sense based on that thread! The escorted NPC is a soldier who's snuck off base. The 'guardians,’ then, are his officers and comrades!

The 'Focus' draw is intended to give the plot an extra layer of complexity by introducing a thematic flavor. You can easily run with just the first 3 rolls and not draw a card, but the draw is intended to help a GM-less game or solo player find inspiration and provide additional context to the plot hook.


Random Event

When you need to create a random event, draw for the Event Focus, and then ****consult the Oracle with an Action Question. Combine the results into an event that makes sense.

Event Focus (card):

2 Ally acts 9 Discovery
3 Adversary acts 10 Bystanders
4 Current plot J New adversary
5 Side plot Q New ally
6 Environment K Hazard
7 Object A Weird
8 Discussion Jo Draw two
♣ aggressive, negative, destructive ♦ transformative, expected, volatile
♥ docile, positive, creative ♠ mysterious, unexpected, enlightening

Aspect focus

2 weapon 9 creature
3 corpse 10 document
4 tool J lock
5 artifact Q decoration
6 component K food
7 resource A consumable
8 attire Jo Draw two
♣ aggressive, negative, destructive ♦ transformative, expected, volatile
♥ docile, positive, creative ♠ mysterious, unexpected, enlightening